Contribution to Society

Social contributions

In 1996, we opened a school specializing in precision mold technologies, Institute of Precision Moulds (IPM) in Penang, Malaysia, upon request by the Malaysian government in cooperation with local Japanese companies and materials and machinery companies. This school provides technical education of making molds in the three-year program mostly to employees of local companies. We now count 350 people who graduated from this school, contributing to the mold technologies in the Penang Province.

IPM(Institute of Precision Moulds) at PSDC(Penang Skills Development Centre) in Penang State

開校当時のPSDC(1995) 1
開校当時のPSDC(1995) 2
PSDC in the year of its establishment(1995)
IPMの座学授業 1
IPMの座学授業 2
IPM Classroom Lecture

PM has since merged with Penang Skills Development Centre. The Tsujihana Fund (a foundation that our founder, Eizo Tsujihana, established in conjunction with donations from supporting companies) that had sponsored the operation of IPM afterwards, also sponsored the opening of an educational assistance organization for people with learning difficulties, Bureau on Learning Difficulties. In recognition of these social contributions to Malaysia, Eizo Tsujihana was bestowed an honorary knighthood of DATO (equivalent to the British “Sir”) in 2007 from the Sultan of Penang in the presence of the governor of Penang and many dignitaries from the Penang government. Our founder said, “we must contribute to the local societies because we have been fortunate enough to be allowed to do business in these countries.” Following these words and actions, the Nissei Technology Group has been aiming to become a true global corporation by contributing to the growth of countries and communities where we do business overseas, including imparting advanced technologies and employee training from Japan, thereby contributing to the happiness of the people and not only the pursuit of making profits.

Opening Ceremony of BOLD: Education Support Centre for Learning Difficulties

BOLD Centre (Classroom)
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony held
by Penang State’s Governor and Mr. Tsujihana
辻花会長(故 弊社創業者)に入所児童から感謝状と日記などが贈られる
Letter of gratitude, Diary and so on were given
by BOLD pupils to the late Mr. Tujihana Nissei’s founder.
アシストする女性はBOLD Chairperson Dr.Tan Lick Ee
Assisting lady was BOLD Chairperson Dr. Tan Liok Ee